Hollywood is a very diverse city. With that being said, its home to some of the world’s top arts organizations. From performing arts to film and music to the visual arts, Hollywood is home to many of the world’s best.
Hollywood is home to a lot of the worlds best arts organizations. A lot of the world’s best cinematography is found in the city and you can see it in these beautiful art-house movies like Avatar. Hollywood’s visual arts are home to some of the worlds best graphic design and illustration. The film and music industry is home to some of the worlds best music and theatre.
Hollywood is a city of culture. As any visitor can attest to, the culture here is very diverse. There’s the hip hop culture, the graffiti art culture, the new wave of punk rock that’s coming out of the 90s, and of course the cultural diversity that’s been going on for years that includes the various genres of film and music.
The way we use our media and our creativity, we try to think of our work as a form of art. That it should reflect our inner self is an important part of the creative process. But it is important to remember that our work is also a reflection of the world around us. Sometimes we try to be “real” and other times we try to be “pretty.” If it isn’t art, it’s not art.
Hollywood has been making movies since the 1930s. And to be honest, the films with the most impact were the ones that focused on the lives of people living in the real world, not just Hollywood fantasies. The same goes for music. Some of the best music ever written was done in the 1920s, and in the 1940s when Hollywood made the most popular musicals. Music has always been a way for artists to express themselves.
We can’t help but think of the film industry as a whole as one big, self-important, self-involved corporation. Which is probably why many people have been so resistant to the idea of seeing the movies of their favorite musicians. They feel like they are just watching a commercial for a toothpaste or a car. We can’t help but feel there is something wrong with that.
We are not saying that everyone who has seen a musical film should go and see their favorite musician, we are saying that we can’t help but think of the film industry as a big corporation that has a really good idea of what is good and what is not. We also feel that the idea that Hollywood is filled with a self-important, self-involved, self-interested crew of corporate executives is a really good one.
We also feel that for a lot of the people who work in Hollywood, they have never actually seen one of their favorite musician’s perform in a movie. That is because they are so busy worrying about the last minute marketing campaigns and shooting the next big blockbuster, they don’t have the time to actually see a film. This is why we feel that the idea that there is a lot of self-important, self-involved, self-interested people who work in Hollywood is a good one.
Well, duh. The truth is that executives are really good at marketing, and we’re all busy worrying about marketing our movies and TV shows and video games, so they don’t have time to see what a really great musician is doing.