monkey business is the term used to describe the fact that it’s possible to write code in a very elegant way, and yet still be completely unable to understand what the code is doing. It’s not just a bad thing, it’s a very bad thing. Programming requires the ability to read and write code in a way that can be understood by others. Programming without understanding is a recipe for disaster.
Well, that’s a very good thing. The ability to code in a way that’s understandable by others is a skill that everyone should be able to master. But when people don’t know how to code, they get stuck with bugs (and therefore need to be fixed). Unfortunately, we don’t all have the ability to read and write code in a way that’s easily understood by others, so we end up writing code that doesn’t make sense and ends up doing unintended things.
To combat this, we’re taking a “fix the code” approach to programmers. We’re giving them a bunch of information to read and then we show them how to fix their code. This allows them to understand the error they’re making, so that they can then correct the error. It might not seem like such a bad thing, but it means that programmers who might have learned to code from the get-go are now able to actually code.
The main function of the code which is going to work is to pass it’s arguments by reference. It is a good thing for programmers if they understand that there are no arguments between arguments. So for example, if you use a function called “pagination”, it’s going to produce an address for something on the page, and you’ll have to pass it by reference. You’ll have to change that, because this function will only get called once, and that’s it.
This is a really great feature and is an example of what you can do with C++. You can have functions that take parameters. You can also have functions that take objects as parameters. You can even have functions that take data in a variable by reference. This seems to be a fundamental programming idea, and the best part is that its going to be a feature in C++.
Its also a very good lesson that the compiler is going to be your friend in C++. You can always write code that doesnt even do any operations, and is simply function calls, like this one from the game. This is actually very cool, because even though we have no variables to refer to, the compiler is going to be your friend because it can figure out the type of the arguments and compile the code so that it works.
Monkey business is one of the most fun C games out there, and it’s also one of the most advanced. While the rest of us are playing with array pointers and pointers to variables and such, the game developers (who are in fact monkeys) are writing code for a game, and you can see the logic in there if you read the file. The game doesn’t even have an executable, and its just C code with a few extra features that make it more fun.
It’s a game written in C++, so it’s a bit harder to get our feet wet, but I think that the game is great. The fact that it uses C++ makes it even more fun. You can take a C++ class and learn the basics of writing a game, and then take C++ classes to work in the game. The game is written in C++ so it’s all a bit different, but the basics are definitely there.
So, in true monkey business c++ fashion, you can do a lot of the game stuff, and then work on the game. It takes a bit of time to get to know the game, but once you do, it’s actually pretty cool. You can work with the game objects, and edit them, and even take advantage of the game’s assets (like its sounds, the map, etc) to make your own game.
The game is still in its infant stage, and I am sure that its development will get better and better as I go. The monkey business is a new development that has been added to the game that might change how the game works or how it looks, but I can’t say too much more about it.