Mavis is a new momma to me but she’s still trying to figure out how to bring her husband to work so I know what she’s doing. She’s living in a small apartment right now and she’s living right near my door. I’m not 100% sure it’s the right place to live. I’m also not sure how to get to my door.
She has been at her job at a local convenience store for the last two months, but lately shes been trying to find out where her husband works. She has no idea where he works and shes not sure where I live either. Any help getting my door would be greatly appreciated.
What’s wrong with this picture? This is the kind of picture that tells me that somebody who is working on a personal website, or just visiting, is either clueless or in need of some help. This is also the kind of picture that tells me that the person is more interested in his own pain than in the pain of others.
I know that you’re not supposed to be in a picture like this. But I know that I am, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t. This is the kind of thing that is the most obvious example of a person who is clueless.
mavea is the name of the former site that we created. It was a personal website that offered a space for people to share their interests, hobbies, and passions in a variety of art forms. It was also a place where people could write stories and photos, create their own forums, and publish their own books. We sold the site to a bunch of entrepreneurs (and some people who are still on it as of a month or so ago), and mavea is gone.
We are not sad to see it go. mavea was an amazing resource for sharing with other people, and it was one of the first places to talk about personal topics on the internet. We do not regret that it lasted for so long, it was a big part of the internet, and it was a great resource for those not in the know.
The fact that the site went away was not a surprise as it was an ongoing thread on the forums for about a year. It was one of those things that just happened, and we were all on board with that. However, it is sad that this site has come to an end. I have been very excited about the new site, and have been very disappointed by it.
mavea had a lot of users, but it seemed people were not as interested in it as they had been in other sites. Many of the threads were simply about mavea’s personal life and it was very much a place for those who liked to vent or discuss stuff. The fact that the forum was closed and the thread was deleted is a shame for the site and a reminder to us that we need to try to be more transparent and open to feedback.
I don’t know that many people who are happy with it, but we’ll keep the site open and we hope we can get more people to visit.
We have had a lot of support from folks over the years so we hope you will still visit. It is a shame that people who are still interested in the mavea series will have to move away.