This was a great article from a couple of months ago, but I thought I would write out my own take on it. I’m not going to get into the details here because I don’t want to get into a whole “why do people get drunk at work” debate, but I do want to discuss the fact that drinking alcohol while drunk is illegal. But this article does mention that drinking is not considered a health issue, but it is still a very bad idea.
First, I think it is good to have this discussion because as much as I respect the fact that people who drink are not criminals, it does make it easier to get into trouble. At the same time though, it is also extremely dangerous, especially when you are drunk.
Alcohol has the ability to make you both stupid and stupid. You can be stupid enough to take a shot and then stupid enough to get drunk again. You can also be stupid enough to take a shot and then stupid enough to drink again. Drinking and driving is a bad idea, but the idea of being stupid enough to drink is even worse.
The idea of drunk people being stupid drunk people is one of the most popular ideas in popular culture, and is actually pretty accurate. So when you see drunken people in real life, they often have a bad attitude and a bad sense of humor. But when you drink, you can get all kinds of strange new ways to behave.
I’m not talking about drunk people who end up on a bender and driving drunk. I’m talking about drunk people who are drunk when they get behind the wheel and don’t realize they’re drunk until they’re at the wheel. There are a few things that can cause a driver to get drunk while driving, and that’s not all. Drinking and driving, for example, is a real common cause of car crashes.
Yes, but when you drink, you can get so drunk that you don’t know when you’re drunk. This isn’t the same thing as being drunk on a good night though. If you were drunk at the wheel, what would you do when you hit a bump in the road? You wouldn’t start your car and drive away. You would wait to see if anyone was hurt. If someone was hurt, you’d get out of the car, get help, and then drive away.
And then you would get hit by a car and die. So, there is actually a good chance that if you were driving drunk and hit a bump in the road, you would not be able to start your car with out people getting hurt.
Drunk driving is bad, no matter how it’s done, but it’s not like you can’t do it in some other way. You can use your head, and you can use your knees, and you can use your shirt and you can use your jacket. So, you can get drunk driving in a way that won’t kill anyone and drive away.
If you were drunk driving, and you were hit by a car, you could probably get help. If you were killed by a drunk driver, you have to wait for the cops to show up. Or you can wait for the cops to get killed by the drunk driver. Neither of these things are actually too bad. The fact of the matter is that drunk driving is bad, especially if you are a parent with a baby or a teenager.
the police are not going to show up to your funeral, I’m pretty sure.