It’s like a tire of your own creation, and the art inside is the only thing you can truly keep.
In art class at art school, we learned that all great art is made up of ideas. The idea can be a metaphor, an idea, an idea that is something you can feel, or something that is a feeling you can’t. We learned that ideas are our most powerful source of inspiration, and they are what we make art from. If the idea is like a tire, then this tire of your own creation is the only thing you can truly keep.
The truth is, your art may not last long, and it may end up being no more than a dust jacket to the idea in your head. But that’s really the point. The art in your head is an idea that you can keep. It doesn’t actually exist in the physical world but it is the idea of it. It may not take as long for your mind to forget it if you keep it.
Its funny ’cause I used to have a friend named Matt who had this same thing happen to him. He just kept his art and kept moving on. One night Matt was at a club and at one point he got up and was like, “I think I left my art here.” Matt was just like, “I have to go back, like, find it,” and he just kept going back and back.
I used to be able to leave my art around my place for weeks and months and forget about it. Now i cant keep my head around it. I have to go back and find it. I have to go back and find it on the floor, the bathroom floor, the kitchen table, the bed, and in the freezer. I don’t know why. And that is what art is for.
There is only one reason that you can look for your art in a freezer: You probably don’t own a freezer. It’s a joke, I know. But every time I read an article about how art is disappearing, I get kind of sad. I don’t know what to do with the art though. It takes up space like some kind of house deposit. I can’t just throw it on the floor and leave it there.
The problem is that, as a self-aware person, we have an awareness of our habits, routines, and reactions, which means that when we are not even aware of our own habits, routines, impulses, and reactions, then we no longer control them. Whereas a person with self-awareness is able to exercise a little meta-cognition and say, “Hmm… every time my sister calls me and asks for money, I end up drinking a lot of vodkas.
I dont know the answer, but I’m thinking maybe its something like a new car tire.
I’m thinking that could be the answer. I’m not sure if she’s still alive, but I’m pretty sure she is. It’s possible that her tire is the answer to a big problem.
Sounds like a really cool idea, but I’m not sure what to make of it. You might think that her tire is the answer to a big problem. I don’t think anyone would think that. In fact, I’m pretty sure she’s not still alive, and I might be wrong.