The ravenwood school of magical arts is a community-based education program at the Ravenwood School of Art and Design in Seattle, WA. The school teaches children ages 5 to 21 the ways to create with the arts in a safe, noncompetitive, and fun environment. These lessons build upon one’s existing knowledge of the arts and help children develop an appreciation for the diverse creative fields of art.
The school runs through the summer, and each week a new class is added. The classes are available to the public at no cost, for approximately 7.5 hours a week.
Ravenwood’s classes are also open to children of all ages from preschool through high school. If you’re interested, check out the website at
While the site was designed by our own Kevin Lee, who’s also the artist behind our own website at, the site is still in the early stages of development. We’re hoping to have new classes added to the site in the next few weeks.
The website is still in the very early stages of development. We hope to have new classes added to the site in the next few weeks.
As it turns out, Ravenwood is a school of magical arts for students ages 0-18. The classes teach various aspects of magic, but they also teach to be practical in the ways that we use magic. For example, we teach students how to use magic to make tools or weapons. We teach them to use magic to learn how to use magic, and we teach them how to use magic to become magical themselves. We want our students to make the decisions to become magical themselves.
That’s why we have classes for the students who want to become magical, and why we have classes for the students who want to become practical. For the students who want to become practical, we have classes for their weapons and their magic. For the students who want to become magical, we have classes for their tools. We want our students to learn how to use both their tools and their magic.
As a teacher, I don’t have a problem with these classes. I just feel like they need to be more clearly defined. The classes aren’t just a bunch of people going ‘oh, I don’t know what they are or where they are at in their classes’. They need to be more clearly defined. They need to be more clearly defined for the students who want to become magical. They need to be more clearly defined for the students who want to become practical.
Some of the classes I have my students take are the Craftsman, the Engineering, and the Magic classes. The Craftsman class teaches students how to make tools and objects, the Engineering teaches students how to perform mechanics and the Magic classes teach students how to cast spells.
I have found that students who have taken classes in magic do better on tests. I’ve also found that students who have taken classes in engineering do better in tests. I’ve found that students who have taken classes in the crafty skills do better in tests. It just makes sense.