in Europe and the Americas in the mid-19th century.
One of the things that helped to bring back interest in classical philosophy was the invention of the printing press.
The invention of the printing press was also part of the Enlightenment, along with other events such as the Scientific Revolution. Before the invention of the printing press, philosophers could only read and write in Latin, which wasn’t very good for them. The printing press was invented, and printed, by a guy named Johannes Gutenberg (15th century) whose job was to convert the world’s knowledge into a readable text.
The Enlightenment brought about a revolution in the way knowledge was transmitted from hand to hand. But the Enlightenment brought about a revolution in the way it was received. It wasnt until the printing press came along that information was spread in such a way that it could be read and understood. Gutenberg was an example of someone who created a new form of reading and writing.
His invention of the printing press was a big deal, and it has been credited with sparking the Renaissance. But Gutenberg was also part of another wave of change in the way knowledge was transmitted and received. In the Middle Ages, the monks of the monasteries were in charge of storing knowledge and other writings until they could be used by the masses. But the monks were under the constant threat of death.
Gutenberg was in prison for writing the Bible in Latin. But he was also in prison for printing copies of it for the common masses. Then, in the year 1455, a young monk named Johannes Gutenberg had the idea of making a book that would be easier to read, and easier to keep, and much smaller in size.
The book he began to produce was the Bible, and it was printed by a man called Johannes Pauli. He was a great friend of Gutenberg’s and it seems that Pauli was a huge influence on Gutenberg. The Bible was printed for a mere 99 cents, which made it extremely cheap for everyone to own. Gutenberg also made new copies of the Bible that he could sell for a profit. His profits from this new book business grew so large that he created a “Bible Bank.
It seems that Gutenberg’s new Bible was the first mass-produced book. Many other books followed: the Bible was printed many times, but at each printing, the quality of the material was enhanced. The printing press was a huge invention that made it possible to produce better quality copies. It was a huge leap forward for the art and science of printing: you were able to create more complex and beautiful pieces of art.
So the Gutenberg Bible is a fantastic example of a new idea that became a reality. It’s interesting to consider that since Gutenberg, the world has had a massive boost in print production that was not possible even a decade or two ago.
The printing press, and in fact the whole idea of printing, was born in the 14th century. It was an incredible development for art and science. It not only made it possible for the most sophisticated artists, but it transformed the whole idea of making a book. The Gutenberg Bible was an astounding success. Printing made it possible for people to make a book that was so complex and beautiful it was almost impossible to read.