Is it too much to ask that a company needs to have a good ending? After all, we’ve all been waiting for a sequel to the popular videogame, Halo. The sequel was almost too perfect. None of the characters were perfect, but because of the many mistakes made in creating the game, you knew it was going to live up to its potential. We’re now reaching the point when we can’t even say goodbye to our friends and acquaintances anymore. Unfortunately for us, this latest game has failed miserably. With this news in mind, we decided to revisit the franchise with a third installment in hopes of improving upon some of the weaknesses found in 2 and making it better.
I want to conclude my blog with a video demonstration of the system which is running inside my home. If you are interested in building your own sensor network then I recommend checking out Andrew Pearce’s website and reading his tutorial on how to setup a basic network of sensors.