I’m a sucker for a good business service and this business service really does have several of them. First, you know that you will not get paid by the hour as you do with a fast-food restaurant. Your time is valuable, so you give your boss your best effort. Second, you are guaranteed a high level of customer service and an excellent product. Third, you are guaranteed to receive a 100% satisfactory service.
It doesn’t often seem like it, but these days businesses are being held hostage by a growing number of bad business practices. Some of these problems are technical: too many employees in a space, too much paperwork, and too much paperwork has meant that many businesses have become businesses by the hour. Others are ethical: employees don’t have enough time to give their best effort, and sometimes even their best effort isn’t enough.
The new thiqah business website promises to help you take your business to the next level. It gives you a wealth of resources to help you succeed, including tutorials where you’ll learn how to use software and get a quote on how much it will cost you. You might find that the quote is actually a bit lower than you thought. Or worse.
I have yet to see a quote that is so far off the mark that I question the veracity of the company. The only problem with this business is that it is not an actual business. If you want to make money, that is. If you want a business, you can make one. You just have to know how to use it.
To make money, you have to have customers. What you do with the customers is up to you. The problem with this business is that they are in it for the wrong reasons. They are not really trying to make money. It is more of a social experiment than anything else.
The social experiment is that the company sells “thiqah” in the form of a magic spell, a spell that can turn a person into a “thiqah master.” You can purchase an “thiqah master,” which is essentially a magic spell that can turn a person into a master of “thiqah” themselves. If you are looking for a magic spell to get rich, look elsewhere.
It’s a bit of a mystery how the spell works. I mean, I guess it’s a spell in and of itself, but how is it that a person can actually master it? And if they can, why would someone need to buy it? It’s not that hard to conjure a spell, and it seems like a pretty standard spell to conjure one of these spells.
The spell itself seems to be pretty self explanatory, and it also gives you the impression you can make the spell just by reading a sentence or two. The real question here though is how much you have to read to actually get the magic, and how much you need to use the spell. The spell itself is the most basic spell, and only requires five words. But it is still a spell that takes a couple of minutes to learn and put into practice for the first time.
So what we’re actually talking about here is the spell of magic, the art of spell-casting. The spell itself is simple, but requires some effort to learn and put in practice. The only real secret that you need to know is to memorize the spells for each of your spells. Then you just have to sit back and wait for the magic to happen.
Most of it is about memorizing a few words, but the rest of it is about learning an entire spell. The first few spells are usually very easy and just require memorizing a few words. But as you go along they expand as you memorize more and more words. The second half of the book consists of several spells that are more complicated to learn than the first. The third section of the book is where the actual magic happens. It’s where all the special spells are.