the distinctive feature of theatre, which separates it from other arts, is that theatre employs the use of sound and movement in the production of a play.
Why is it so important to employ those two elements? Because theatre creates an atmosphere that creates an experience that is more meaningful than the mere words of a script. In the words of John Lennon, “When the lights go down, you’re listening to a piece of music.
That’s why theatre is so important because theatre is a medium that helps bring our attention to the words.
This is the beauty of theatre. The words aren’t the only thing that we hear, our eyes and our hearts are also being affected. While it’s been said that theater has a sound-based effect, it’s also a visual-based experience that is very different from non-visual media. Audiences have heard of sound, but have never seen it.
I think there are two things people often miss about theatre: it’s a visual art form, and it’s also a visual art form. The visual elements are the most important, but the visual effects of the theatre are just as important. These visual elements are what really make theatre what it is. They make us see a live performance.
Although visual elements are important, I think it’s also important to realize that theatre has a sound component to it. This is crucial. Yes, there is a live performance, but there is also a “stage” to the performance. This stage is also a live performance, but it is also a completely different experience. In a theatre set, the audience is supposed to feel the energy of the performers as well as the audience members.
In other words, theatre is a live performance that combines the experience of seeing a performance with the experience of hearing the same performance. When you go to see a movie, you get to see the movie. When you go to a theatre performance, you get to hear a live performance. Theatre doesn’t have to be visual. It doesn’t have to be full of moving light and sound.
Theatre is the result of a lot of work. Theatre is not a “new” art form. Theatre is the result of a lot of work and research. A theatre set is made in a particular way. The way the set is arranged can have a huge impact on the audience experience as well as the performance itself. The way the set is arranged also influences the actors.
In fact, when you go to a theatre performance, you can see the set up and try your best to not think about the different things in the performance, because you are not actually sitting in the theatre. You are just watching the actors do their thing. The set is set up so that the performers can perform their thing without having to look at the scenery, props, or the audience.
For example, a theatre production would often have a sound stage, which is where the actors can set up their props and scenery. The sound stage is an area with a huge space for the sound and lighting to work in. In this stage, the actors would not only be able to hear the actors on stage perform, but they can also have a visual effect of the actors on stage. The visual effect is often achieved by having the set and props that the actors are wearing on stage.