Legal Podcasts are a great way to learn about the latest developments in law, get advice from experienced lawyers and judges, and be entertained by some of the most compelling storytellers. These legal podcasts cover subjects such as criminal justice, intellectual property rights, entertainment law, family law – you name it!
To keep things interesting for our readers we have compiled a list of 13 Legal Software podcast episodes that were released this year.
Keywords: legal software, law, podcast, legal podcasts
Now that you know which podcasts to listen to, download them and enjoy! Legal Podcasts are a great way to learn about the latest developments in law, get advice from experienced lawyers and judges, and be entertained by some of the most compelling storytellers. These legal podcasts cover subjects such as criminal justice, intellectual property rights, entertainment law, family law – you name it! To keep things interesting for our readers we have compiled a list of 13 Legal Software podcast episodes that were released this year. Keywords: legal software;law;podcast;legal podcast
A recent episode of “Against All Odds” discussed how many innocent people end up having their lives ruined by false confessions or being falsely accused due to shoddy evidence.
Podcasts are a great way to learn about the latest developments in law, get advice from experienced lawyers and judges, and be entertained by some of the most compelling storytellers. _These legal podcasts cover subjects such as criminal justice, intellectual property rights, entertainment law, family law – you name it! To keep things interesting for our readers we have compiled a list of 13 Legal Software podcast episodes that were released this year._ Keywords: _legal software;law;podcast;legal podcast_
This is another favorite one for intellectual property rights. _Episode 11, “Copyright Copying” is hosted by Terry Hart and takes a look at copyright infringement in the digital age._ Keywords: _legal software;law;podcast;legal podcast_
This was one of our favorite episodes this year! The episode tells the story of an innocent man who spent 13 years on death row before being found exonerated and released from prison. _Hosts Sarah Koenig and Katie Couric do an excellent job telling his story as he talks about how difficult it is to get your life back together after spending so many years behind bars for something you didn’t commit._ Keywords: _criminal justice;law;podcast;legal podcast_.
A listener favorite topic –
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— — — — — — — –. Keywords: _legal software;law;podcast;legal podcast_.
– Examples of how to use dash and semicolon before a list in the content. You can replace with bullet points if desired._* *_Example sentence__* *_Another example sentence__* __A third example sentences__”The 13 Best Legi Software Podcasts of 2021″ is hosted by Terry Hart and takes a look at copyright infringement in the digital age._Keywords: _legal software, law, podcast, legal podcast_.This was one of our favorite episodes this year! The episode tells the story of an innocent man who spent 13 years
– “The Legal Talk Network”
– The “Legal Toolkit Podcast”
– “Lawyerist Radio Show”
N.B.: In the previous paragraph, there is a sentence that starts with: “In the following chapter” but then does not continue to do so in this text box on my computer screen. I assume it may have been cut off for some reason and should be continued below or else at least moved down one line in order to avoid confusion as to why it stops abruptly here without completing its thought? I also see grammar mistakes throughout like you can’t just start a new sentence after ‘as well’ because it’s not grammatically correct and needs an extra comma before the word ‘lawyerist’ to make it a sentence.
In the following chapter, you will find another list of podcasts that are approaching the variety from various angles and topics, including in-depth legal education as well as entertainment for those who need some laughs while they binge on great law related content.
N.B.: I also notice there is an extra comma after “in” when this sentence wasn’t cut off by accident if you want to fix it: “..including in-depth legal education..”)
I’ve done my best to cover all different aspects of legi software podcasting coverage here in order to provide listeners with their audio binging needs–whether they’re looking for something lighthearted or deep diving into the latest in legal tech.
Happy listening!
– Jordan Cohen, Legalist Co-Founder and CEO of The Law Firm Bloggers Networking Association (LFBN)
I’ve done my best to cover all different aspects of legi software podcasting coverage here in order to provide listeners with their audio binging needs–whether they’re looking for something lighthearted or deep diving into the latest in legal tech. Happy listening! -Jordan Cohen, Legalist Co-Founder and CEO of The Law Firm Bloggers Networking Association (LFBN).
Autonomy and the Self in Human Rights: The Politics of “The Other” In A Postcolonial World, by Shubha Ghosh (Episode 56)
Mapping Sexualities – Understanding LGBTI+ Identities Around the Globe, by Rachael D’Amore – Episode 30.
Justice for All? Unequal Justice Under Law Pt I & II, by Eric Heinze (Episodes 43–44).
This Week’s Legal News Headlines with Jeffrey Rosenfeld – Ep 24.
This week on This Week’s Legal News Headlines with Jeffrey Rosenfeld we’re covering a variety of topics including anti-abortion legislation in Alabama that will bar abortion providers from entering into contracts with the state, a recent decision from a federal judge that determined that ICE violated its own policy when it detained an undocumented woman for over two weeks and more.
! -Jordan Cohen, Legalist Co-Founder and CEO of The Law Firm Bloggers Networking Association (LFBN).
Autonomy and the Self in Human Rights: The Politics of “The Other” In A Postcolonial World, by Shubha Ghosh (Episode 56)
Justice for All? Unequal Justice Under Law Pt I & II, by Eric Heinze (Episodes 43–44)
Listen to the show on your favorite podcast app: Apple Podcasts | Google Play Music | Spotify
-Episode Summary. The first two episodes of this final season explore how people in America’s criminal justice system experience unequal treatment under law, from their initial arrest to being sentenced and after serving time. In Episode 43, Eric Heinze explores some of the reasons for these disparities—from racial bias rooted in our nation’s history all the way down to physical size differences between police officers and suspects during an arrest. But as he also suggests—and will continue exploring next week with a look at gender inequality within prisons–these injustices are not inevitable or intractable because they stem from human agency. They can be addressed, they can be changed. -Play Episode 43: The Unequal Treatment of America’s Criminal Justice System by Eric Heinze on Google Play Music | Spotify -Episode Summary. In Episode 44, Margot Cohen explores the insidious ways that classism intersects with gender and race to create an unequal playing field for all Americans–and how it fosters a system in which those who are already marginalized have even less opportunity when faced with economic challenges or hardship. She also reminds us that while this is true across our society (and throughout human history), we don’t need to accept these inequalities as inevitable; rather than resigning ourselves to thinking there’s nothing we can do about them, she shows us what some people