I was a big fan of tama martial arts before I became a believer. I have had so many experiences with this art that I cannot say enough positive things about it. First, it is an ideal way to help the body, mind, and spirit. Second, it works even when the gym is full. Third, it is a great way to get into shape.
Tama martial arts is a style of martial arts that takes the principles of tai chi, taijiquan, and yin-Yang yoga, and mixes them with martial arts. It is an ancient system that was first developed over 2,500 years ago by Chinese Buddhist monks. It is similar to Japanese budo, with some slight differences, but it’s definitely not the same thing.
I don’t know about you, but I would not want to give up martial arts. I feel like the body is the most important thing in life, and if you don’t do it enough, it starts to feel like “the whole purpose of the universe” to you. It’s why I’ve been doing it for 15 years now, and it’s why I started taking classes in martial arts when I was 18.
And I could go on forever about the benefits that martial arts can provide in all aspects of life, from health to relationships to self-confidence. But I think that most people will agree that martial arts is not just an exercise in physical strength, it’s also a way to learn new skills and develop existing ones.
As for the benefits it can provide, I feel they can be summed up in two words: Self-Esteem and Motivation.
In martial arts, self-esteem is a term often used to describe your belief in your own worth as an individual. Motivation is a way to explain your motivation for doing something. The two become synonymous when you’re doing something for the first time.
Motivation is a big part of martial arts, because you need to focus on one thing in order to be able to focus on something else. Your entire body is involved in the movement, so if you focus on one thing it’ll make it easier for you to focus on the second thing. For example, if you go into a boxing match, you’re not going to be able to focus on the weight the opponent is lifting, you’re going to be focused on the power of the punches.
Although tama martial arts is more about skill than strength, its ability to focus on one thing at a time is useful in any martial art. It is also a very useful skill to have as you grow up. It doesnt matter if you are a kickboxer, a wrestler, or a tae-kwon do student. You can still learn so much from just focusing on one thing at a time.
The skill of tama martial arts is one that I have to admit does feel a bit outdated. It can still be a very useful skill if you can figure out what the heck you want it to be. I remember when I started doing it, I felt that it was a great skill to have because I could focus on one thing at a time. But now, knowing what I wanted to be, it is much harder.
I recently started taking a second martial art, tama, and it feels a lot more like tae-kwon do. I have always been the type to do everything in a row, but now I feel that it takes more time to do it. It’s a bit more like a puzzle, and when you get to the end, you have to figure it out.