I’ve found that a simple seating arrangement can make or break a room’s energy. It can also give a room a feeling of power, which makes it feel more open and inviting. It’s one of those things that’s easy to overlook.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately as I’ve been pondering the idea of a “sustainable” credit union. The first step to make such a structure a reality is to find out exactly what people want and how they want it. The second step is finding out how to provide it.
I have a bit of a history of writing about this kind of thing. In the mid-aughts, I wrote an article in the now-defunct Business Ethics section of the New York State Student Press Association newsletter called “Credit Union, a Good Idea?”. It was about a credit union in the Boston area that was trying to raise $100k to open an arts center.
The first step was to look for art buyers who wanted to open their own art center. The second step was to find out how to finance it. The third step was to figure out how to create a viable art center. Today, I write about the second and third steps in my column, Credit Union Makes Money, in the New York Times.
The Boston branch of the Credit Union is now looking into a possible arts center. It’s looking at a number of potential locations around the Northeast, including Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, and New York. One of the potential locations is a building that is just a few blocks from the campus of the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
The good news is that the arts center would be able to afford to have art space and it would be surrounded by a lively art community. The bad news is that it would probably be very expensive and require quite a bit of space. The good news is that it would be a very interesting arts center. The bad news is that it would probably be very expensive. The good news is that it would be very interesting.
If the Arts Center is as good as it says it is, it might be worth the $3 million it’s asking to build it. The bad news is that the Arts Center wouldn’t be exactly cheap. The good news is that it would be a very interesting arts center. The bad news is that it would be very expensive. The good news is that it would be very interesting.
As a member of the Arts Center, I would really like to see it. I think it would be very cool. It would also be very expensive. The bad news is that it would be very expensive. The good news is that it would be very cool. The bad news is that it would be very expensive.
I don’t really know what to make of that, but we’ll take it as read.
And that, my friends, is the essence of the art building business.