I love the idea of business cards. And while I believe that a successful business is all about building relationships, I also believe that the most important element is the people you meet. That’s why I love these business cards. They are an easy way for me to show off my clients. I like the idea of seeing their faces and the feel of their faces. Seeing a smile on their face is one of the more motivating things in the world.
My personal favorite is this one where a woman with a big smile says to her husband, “Hey, I think we need to take the next couple of weeks off, honey. I just don’t have enough energy. Do you want to come over and take a break from everything?” The only problem is that her husband walks out the door and the business card is never delivered to her.
The same is true of the cards. They’re just so nice. They don’t actually look the way I would like them to look. My point is, when you have a card that looks like it’s in front of a camera, it’s not a good sign. Even if you have a business card on the back, you’re going to need it to be from a company, not from a company that has a card with more info on it.