If you are a person who likes to cook, you probably have at least one pastry magazine in your possession. If you are a pastry artist, you are just as likely to find yourself in the same magazine again and again. If the only pastry-themed magazine you own is pastry arts, then that’s pretty amazing. I mean, you could probably find one of any other type.
I’m not saying that pastry magazine is an exact science. It’s just one of those things that people have to work with. It’s a lot of trial and error.
Here I don’t want to make you feel like I’m advocating for pastry art magazines. I’m simply saying that there are some things that are easier to make than others. You can always look for other pastry artists to try out your skill at.
I don’t mean to say it’s not possible to make pastry art magazine. It is. But I do mean to say that you can find other pastry artists who are doing it the easiest way. Which is not to say that it isn’t harder. All I’m saying is that there are a lot of pastry artists out there who can make pastry art magazine.
Just a few months ago, the British pastry magazine, ‘Flavour’ launched a contest to find the best pastry artist in the world. I think this is what the pastry magazine used to be. In the last couple years, pastry artists have been working on new projects and experimenting with a wider variety of styles. I think that is great. It is not an excuse to stop working on pastry art magazine though, as there are still several pastry artists who will be taking part in the next issue.
I can see why pastry artists wanted to compete, they are talented! But I don’t think the competition should be to find the best pastry artist in the world. There are hundreds of fantastic pastry artists out there, so why not just choose one as your favorite? I think the best way to inspire people to learn about pastry is to simply tell them they are talented. I feel like this is not the case with pastry art magazine though.
The fact is that pastry artists are talented and we should all strive to be better, not the other way around. The only way to truly do something is to do it and then do it better than everyone else. That being said, I think the best way to inspire people to keep baking is to tell them they are talented. After all, nobody needs to be taught how to bake.
I don’t think this is a “good” or “bad” thing. I think it is what it is. The thing is, I think if pastry artists want to be better then they should be encouraged to become better. I think if pastry artists want to inspire others to help make their businesses successful they should be encouraged to do so.
It’s important to know who you are working with when baking. I also think there should be some kind of reward for baking that is tied to the successful outcome of your baking. The reward should be the satisfaction and pleasure of successfully completing a dish. A little something that makes your work better, perhaps a medal you can hang on your wall. After all, we’re not talking about something that gives you instant gratification.
I’m sure what I’m about to say is just as silly as saying there should be a reward for doing something that makes you want to do it again and again. I’m just not sure what you’re asking for, but I’m sure it’s something.