There needs to be a place where those with mental issues are safe, but it’s not so self-conscious, “I just need to get out of the house!” I don’t know about you, but when I’m in my house, I like to be surrounded by a whole world of people. You don’t need to go to a mental institution to be safe, or to get yourself out of the house.
You may be wondering why I am talking about mental issues in the first place, but that’s because I have had a severe personality disorder since I was a child. I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t think I was a jerk or a bad person. I can be an ass as well as a jerk. I can be a weirdo as well as a weirdo. I can be a big fat moron and a giant moron.
My childhood therapist says that my disorder is a form of amnesia, or a memory disorder, similar to amnesia. The purpose of this disorder is to prevent me from doing things I might normally do. For example, he tells me that I can’t remember who I am and where I live when I am in a bad mood. He says that I am always trying to make myself feel better by blaming myself for things I can’t control.
I think that’s just a part of my disorder. My disorder is a form of amnesia and I can take anything out of my memory because I have no other form of awareness. I think it just works like this because when someone is talking to me, I try to remember their words for them. If I can’t hear their voice, I can’t remember what they said.
I think its like that, too. Maybe its like a “monkey see, monkey do” thing, where if I want to remember something, I have to make myself remember it.
I think it’s hard to say for sure that this disorder is a personality disorder because people with it are very much aware of what they can and can’t do at the same time. But I think that’s what it looks like. People with this disorder can act out almost anything they want to without the fear of being punished for doing it.
I think it is a good thing for a person with this disorder to have a little bit of real control over their body of work.
I have my moments where I wish I was just a little bit crazy and just act all the way out of control. But the funny thing is, even when I’m crazy, it doesn’t really interfere with my other life. I’m the kind of guy who knows exactly what I want and can get it, but I can still change my mind if I feel like it.
Monkey business is a game that is meant to be played by someone who has a disorder, but it’s meant to be played by a person who is just like anyone else. Like the rest of us, a person with monkey business can’t actually control what they do.
One of the most frustrating side effects of the disorder is that you can become so obsessed with playing the game that you stop seeing the world around you. People who have monkey business can become so rigid and inflexible that they can become so attached to their disorder that they can’t see the world around them. That is, at least in the case of the player in monkey business houston. He can go so far as to have a girlfriend, a wife, and a kid all at once.