The world of fashion is filled with a vast array of beautiful items, but when it comes to business cards and the business of wearing them, there’s no shortage of options. Now, let’s be honest, the only thing more attractive than a gorgeous business card is a well-made, business-appropriate business card.
Business cards are like the old-fashioned way to make a sales pitch. They’re an effective way to show people that you’re someone who might actually be able to help them with their business.
The problem is that in so many business situations, you really feel like you should be wearing something more stylish. But I know I have no business card to wear.
On a business card, you’ll have to purchase something. I know I am probably the most successful business card buyer I’ve ever had the pleasure of talking with. But I bet that doesn’t hurt much. What I want to use is a business card that’s made by a designer in the United States. I’m willing to pay $100 and look this up.
A designer in the United States? Yeah, that sounds like it might be worth it. Like I said, I know you’re not going to wear a business card that says “I’m a designer”. You’re not going to look like you’re wearing one of the most stylish business cards in the world. But I’ll give it a shot.
You can get a lot for a business card these days. Companies can give you a free one if you purchase a $30 minimum purchase. You can get a $10 business card at a restaurant or bakery for free. But the one that really matters is the one that is made by a designer in the United States. But what a number of designers these days make are these cheap, generic, photocopied, and even cheapened designs.
I’ve read about this all over the internet and there is a lot of information to draw from. But I’ll lay it out for you. First, the best business card we’ve ever seen was a masonic business card from the 1940’s. It’s a real classic, with a masonic feel to it. It’s a card that was designed to look like a real mason, not just another business card.
One of the more interesting things about this card is that the design is also really cool, right? Its design is really interesting, and it has a lot of detail. Its a little bit tricky to apply to the design of a business card, but it’s pretty interesting.
When you think about it, it makes total sense. When you think about masonic business cards, it makes total sense that you would want to design something that looks like a real mason, not something that looks like a business card. That’s what makes this card so fun to consider design wise, its a great example of how to create great masonic business cards.
It’s also a great example of why we should be careful about the look of business cards. For one thing, it’s a masonic business card, that just means the business card maker has to make it look masonic, but the more important reason is that masonic business cards are often difficult to print, and as a result are often used only by people with serious masonic abilities.