With all the recent attention on “consumer power” and the new “self-organized society”, it’s interesting to note that a lot of self-awareness doesn’t require “power.” In fact, the idea of power is pretty self-explanatory. It’s the ability to influence people, especially those who believe they can’t influence themselves.
I believe most of us are self-aware and can tell we’re having a bad day. In fact, I know I am. But the truth is that we don’t have to be told what to do every time. We can just be here, and we can do anything we want.
That is why most of the things that come up everyday in our lives are self-explanatory and even boring.
I think we’re all capable of being self-aware. I just happen to be the kind of people who believe they are not, and that they can do anything they want. And that’s okay.
There are still some things that I don’t understand. Some of these things are self-explanatory. Some things are funny, some of these things are self-deprecating, some of these things are self-centered. I don’t think it’s good for us to be too self-aware in the first place.
I’ll admit that I didn’t realize how much of the other people I know that I’m not! So I’ll just blame everyone else for being funny, self-deprecating, and self-centered. They’d probably be better off to just say they’re a good person. However, that’s a big part of why it’s still funny to me.
I think the best thing you can do to make yourself and your business a little more aware of others is to remember that no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Everyone has regrets. The trick is to realize that no one’s perfect, but that it’s okay to not be perfect all the time. If you do, you’ll be okay. I recommend reading the book “The Art of Not Being Perfect,” by David Kipen.
It seems like the more I read about business law, the more I realize that while its true that mistakes happen, it can also be a really good thing. The reason is that mistakes are a great learning experience. If you don’t know how to respond to these situations, youll find yourself in a sticky situation, unsure of what to do next. If you take the time to learn from your mistakes and realize that its okay to be wrong, youll be better prepared for the next time.
It’s also worth noting that the legal system is not flawless. That’s why some people are afraid to use it. There are many other aspects to business law, but in some cases, the law can be a pretty good way to grow your business. Like with some of the services we’ve discussed in our podcasts, the legal issues that arise are rarely a deal-breaker.
Yes, there are many more legal terms to learn, but if you take the time to learn and understand them, youll be better prepared to deal with them when you’re actually in the legal system. And in the example we gave you from our podcast, it could be a good idea to seek out a lawyer before you start any business. While they are in the legal system, they could become your best friend, too. But be prepared to make sure they don’t get in your way.