This one is definitely a “must-do” because you can’t go wrong with it. It is the perfect way to get the flavors of a variety of seasonally-appropriate ingredients together. It’s like eating chocolate with peanut butter, or peanut butter with chocolate.
A simple step in the right direction to get your home flavors to stand out.
In case you’re wondering what exactly a “seasonally-appropriate” ingredient is, it is simply any food product that is grown in a region that is seasonal, or during a season. For example, if you buy a bagel during winter and then buy a bagel during summer, a seasonal ingredient is the bagel that is grown in the winter.
Its like using the right ingredients for the right reasons. Using seasonally-appropriate ingredients in your cookbooks can add a nice layer of flavor to your kitchen. In my home, I often use local pecans, local coffee beans, local apples, and local applesauce. These ingredients are easy to find and make their way to my kitchen so fast. You dont even need to add anything extra to your recipes, just use seasonally-appropriate amounts.
The best part of using seasonally-appropriate ingredients? All of the recipes are easy to make and serve. The only thing left is cooking time. I’m not going to lie, cooking in the kitchen isnt all that easy. It’s not like some of these recipes are time consuming, it’s actually really easy. You don’t even have to use a whole lot of ingredients to make one dish.
Some recipes include seasonally-appropriate amounts of certain ingredients. For instance, you might buy a small bunch of strawberries for a recipe, throw them in a bowl and sprinkle it with lemon juice and vinegar. You might use herbs and spices that are seasonally appropriate, like sage and basil. You might use seasonally-appropriate amounts of sugar, salt, and spices, like cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg.
Recipes can be a lot more detailed than just listing ingredients. For instance, you might list all the recipes that you can make with a particular type of sauce, like a honey-based one. You might list a few basic ingredients, like sugar, salt, and spices (salt is often used in a recipe as a way to add flavor).
You could also list the number of recipes that you can make in a given amount of time, like you might list how many times you can make a cake.
One of the most common traps website owners fall into is that they make complicated recipes and then list each ingredient as a separate line item. Then they tell Google to put them all in one “recipe.” If they’re really going to list all of the ingredients, they should also list them all as separate items, like saying’mix 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup butter with 1 egg.
To avoid this, you should just list the ingredients as one line item. The reason is that it’s much easier to search for that recipe instead of listing all the ingredients and then checking to see if your search terms came up in the results.