The more you study the fine art of creative practice, the more you’ll be able to make connections between your art and the world around you. And you’ll learn how to integrate your art into a larger whole that’s more powerful than you could have imagined.
One of the most important tools youll learn in your art history class is the power of the creative process. The more you can use your art like an extension of your mind, to be able to create something that is more than a painting of a mind, the more powerful youll be in your art.
Of course, art history classes can be pretty shallow. As if art history classes were really necessary to making great art. I know I spent three years in art history class and still can’t draw a damn thing. I just don’t have that great an eye.
I agree with this statement. In fact, I think art history classes really help you develop a more “artistic” eye. The more you can use your art like an extension of your mind, the more powerful youll be in your art.
In fact, there are many reasons why art history classes are important in the long run. They help you develop artistic skills. It’s a good idea to get them early in life so that you can hone your artistic skills. Like writing, or a strong musical instrument, or even just taking a martial arts class, art history classes help you with developing good technique. And it also helps you develop an appreciation for art that you couldn’t get in school.
It’s not just about mastering technique though. Good art history classes also increase your aesthetic sense. The more art you can appreciate, the more youll be able to appreciate other art and the more youll begin to appreciate the arts of every other culture. In fact, art history classes are one of the best ways to appreciate the arts of the world. Just think of the many beautiful paintings that we can see in museums today that don’t come from the museum itself.
A good art history class will give you a good foundation to appreciate the art around you. Take a look at a book on art history, like The Art of the Visual Image by Robert C. Snyder. Or any book on art, no matter how big or small, or even how boring it is, like Dali: The Life and Times of a Great Artist by William S. Landor. In fact, there are lots of different art books out there, and some of them are excellent.
Art is one of the most complex topics in history, yet the world of painting and the general culture of the art world is still largely unknown and misunderstood, like most of our other topics. In fact, there are lots of misconceptions about art, like how much of it is really about painting, and how much art is actually about people living and dying.
In the last 50 years there have been a lot of great artists, and a lot of bad ones. And the bad ones were usually the people who decided to become famous because they wanted to be famous, not because they actually cared.
I’m not sure how accurate that last statement is. The art world is still a little like the circus. There are some very talented people who are known for their work, but the majority of people don’t really know why they’re being recognized, and so they just keep doing it.