There are a few simple things that you can do to put yourself in the right mindset when it comes to nudity.
First off, be aware of your own body size. A naked man is a naked man, so get as skinny as possible.
Also, it’s important to be aware of the difference between “nudity” and “body art.” Body art is something you do to show your appreciation of how well your body is sculpted. That’s not nudity! That’s body art. If those muscles are all you have to show, then that’s nudity.
Body art can also be very revealing. Many porn companies will put their performers in something like this when they’re out and about. Many of these performers are completely nude, and it’s very revealing. If you have an aversion to some of these things, don’t be afraid to be naked in front of a camera.
A few years ago I did a project at the California Institute of the Arts. I went into the library and had a bunch of books to do. There were about 18 of them, and they weren’t for the faint of heart. The first thing I did was to draw the titles on the cover of a couple of the books. I took my markers and drew a big red X on the first book, and then a small blue X on the second.
If you do this you will be naked. If you do this, then you will be naked. What a concept.
That’s my first thought as I see the cover art for CalArts naked nudity books. I don’t think the concept is that interesting. I have no idea what they were thinking when they created this image. If you’re going to do a cover art for a nude novel, maybe it should be something that looks more like a body of water, like the ocean.
I don’t know how I feel about your first thought, but I’m pretty sure it’s something along the lines of “I’m not going to read that, it’ll be too disturbing.
You would be right. I dont know what they were thinking. I imagine it was an image that they had to try and fit in with the theme of the book. I would imagine they thought this would probably not be a big enough hit with the average reader to warrant the risk of making the cover art more disturbing.
I don’t think they thought they were going to make the cover art too disturbing. I think they just thought the cover art would be too much for a body of water.