The Business Woman anime is a Japanese light novel series written by Ryou Fukumoto of BANANASUITA and illustrated by the same author. The story is set in the early-to-mid 20th century and focuses on the work of a single woman who works in a women’s clothing store.
We get lots of great looks into the clothing store and businesswoman, but the best part is the fact that they’re all played by women. Every single one of them has an interesting role, from the secretary who helps prepare for the customer-callers, to the salesgirl who’s in charge of the store’s inventory, to the manager who runs the day-to-day operations of the store.
The thing about this trailer is that it shows the story as a whole. You only see a handful of scenes, so even if you have the right mindset, the trailer is still going to be great.
The problem is that you want to see a bunch of scenes, you want to understand the story, and you don’t want to just watch a bunch of random animation. Because if you just watch a bunch of random animation, you’ll end up liking it only because it’s made by people who like to make stuff. That is unless you’re a writer, in which case you get to use whatever you want on your own, but that’s not the sort of thing that makes sense to us.
You want to see a bunch of scenes, you want to understand the story, and you dont want to just watch a bunch of random animation. Because if you just watch a bunch of random animation, youll end up liking it only because its made by people who like to make stuff. That is unless youre a writer, in which case you get to use whatever you want on your own, but thats not the sort of thing that makes sense to us.
You can’t really blame us for this, because we’re not interested in the same sort of stuff we are. But hey, the business woman anime is probably the one anime that has the best voice acting in anime, which is the only reason it gets to be on our show and is the only reason we put it on our show.
Of course, it also has the best voice acting, but this anime is obviously a parody of something, so we were not sure we were really getting that right. This was the only reason we did the anime.
The Japanese version for the anime is called “The Voice of the Voice” and is called “voodoo” and “voodoo doll”. But hey, it’s not really about voice acting but about the style of voice acting. It’s not about acting in anime, but just about being on the show, even if you don’t have voice acting. And that’s the only reason we did the anime.
We also loved that it was a parody anime. And a parody of an anime. That means it has some of the same art style as the original. So the only way we can tell if we’re watching this anime is if we see the same art style as the anime. So if you see the voodoo doll art style, you know you’re watching the voodoo doll anime.
Ok, so you don’t know if you’re watching the anime or the voodoo doll anime. You just watch it the same way you would watch any other anime.