When you ask a construction worker, “What do you think of our project?” you’re probably going to get a different answer, but what you’re probably going to get is a list of things that are going to suck. Not all projects do. Not all projects are going to be a disaster. And not all buildings are going to be disasters.
Building is about more than building.
The construction worker I was talking to was quite surprised when I told him a few things about how we use our business facilities, especially at our newest project. “Oh that’s just us. We don’t do anything special,” he said. “We just clean our toilets!” I told him, “Well, you know, we actually do a pretty nice job. We do a really nice job of helping them out. It’s not, like, we do a great job helping them out.
That’s because our facilities are very specific. We have to do a lot of things to make the building look nice. We have to be sure that windows and doors are clean, we have to make sure that windows and doors are safe, and that we have the right windows and doors.
That sounds pretty generic to me. I could imagine a facility that looks nice, but I wouldn’t call it a “very nice job.” The truth is, facilities are a pretty big deal, and if you aren’t careful, you can end up cleaning up an entire city and not even know it.
The truth is that facilities are the most important aspect of any building. A facility is usually what makes the building look nice, but I think that the things that make a facility look nice are more important than the facilities themselves. For example, if you have a facility and you don’t think you like the way it looks, it’s going to take a lot of work to keep it looking nice, and to make sure that you feel good about it too.
The facilities that we work with in our construction company are the last things that we consider before we start work on the project. We do this to ensure that we are spending the extra money and effort to bring the facility to look its best, and that the facility itself is the perfect size and shape. However, what should really matter to you and me, is that we care about the work that is being done in the facility.
We care about our work too, and we want to make sure that we’re doing the best we can to keep it looking nice, and that you feel good about it too. We want your business to look great too. We want to keep the facility looking nice, and we want you to feel good about it.
As I’ve mentioned before, the facilities themselves are just as important as the work they do. They should also be fun to use and keep our guests happy. And, if we can do that without having to build a whole new facility, that’s what we want. In other words, we want you to have a great experience while you’re here.
I really think it is time to start thinking about the “facilities” of a business. It’s not just the space you use, it’s whether or not you’re able to create a pleasant environment that you’re able to bring with you. The spaces we have available are so limited that it is almost impossible to create a truly comfortable environment.