I always used to write my business cards in school. They were the neatest things I ever wrote. I’m sure I would do it again if I were to design a business card creation app. I’m not sure I would do it again if I were to design a business card design app.
I think most of the people who go to school start with just card design. I think most of the people who go to school start with a pencil sketch of a card. So a pencil sketch is pretty much the same as a pencil sketch of your character.
My art teacher gave me a book with drawings and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. But it was a business card book, and that was it. Pretty much the same thing. But this is the coolest thing ever, I have to say.
Cards are a common thing in marketing. Cards are also a common thing in web design. So if you’re designing a web app for example, you don’t have to think about designing cards. You could just design a design with a blank canvas.
That blank canvas is what I call a business card book. The reason is because it is a perfect way to create a visual design that has a visual purpose and yet is also functional. With those two things in mind, you can either have a blank canvas that has the purpose of a business card book or you can build a business card book out of the canvas. The blank canvas can be whatever your business card book is and does not have the purpose of a business card book.
What follows is a brief description of what this design looks like. We are going to do just that.
To create this design we used a simple canvas design. The canvas is a type of foam board that has been stretched on a 3/4″ thick sheet of paper and then covered with a thin layer of paint. This was then folded with a pair of scissors and glued to its side.
The design was made from a plain, white canvas. We then cut this canvas into a 34 inch square of the same type of foam board. This was folded again with a pair of scissors and glued to its side. The canvas was then covered with a thin layer of paint. The two techniques were then superimposed, to create this blank canvas.What did we do to this canvas? We went to work on it.
The process of hand lettering was easy and quick. The canvas was flat and white, then we laid it down on the flat surface. We then used a brush and a wide-tipped pen to create the design, using the shapes that we chose for the letters. We then filled in the area with paint to make the letters more visible. We then used the same brush, pen, and white canvas to draw the shapes and leave the letters.
The process of lettering is simple, but the result is worth the effort. The design is very easy to read, but the process is very long. We went through a few iterations, and we finally chose our words that are most memorable, the ones that we’ve seen most often, and that will show up on our business cards. It’s a fun project that will get us excited as we head into the business world.