You can see a lot of the same colors in each of the three levels of self-awareness. For example, if you want to be better at something, you have to realize that you are working with what you already have; if you want to be better at something, you have to learn to be aware of what you don’t have. You have to be aware of what you don’t have and start working to acquire it.
The problem is that self-awareness isn’t always easy to achieve. There are three levels of self-awareness. The first is what we call “conscious awareness,” meaning you’re aware of what you are but not what you are doing. The second is what is called “opinion awareness,” meaning you’re aware of yourself but not what you are doing.
The third level is what we call unconscious awareness, meaning you are aware of what you are doing but not what you are thinking. By conscious awareness we mean that you’re aware of what you’re doing, but you don’t know why you’re doing it. You’re not aware of your thoughts or your motivations. Youre just doing it. The problem is, conscious awareness is hard to achieve.
Ill be honest, I have to say I find this a little hard to believe. A lot of people with this issue think that if they “only” think about things as they are going to happen, that they will be able to “see” their thoughts as they are going to happen. But in reality, our thoughts are continually changing and changing even faster than we can see them.
I like to think of our thoughts as like our own brains. They are constantly changing, constantly changing, constantly changing. This is why our conscious mind (and other parts of our brain) can only see so much of the world around us. Our subconscious brains can see an infinite amount of things. This is because our subconscious is always watching our thoughts and figuring out what we are thinking about. But it doesn’t have a way of understanding all of the things we are thinking.
For us, our subconscious doesn’t know how to process colors or to think abstractly. It just knows what to do for us, and what to think about. As such it is the one part of our brain that is always thinking and planning, and for this reason we are constantly thinking about the things that we like to think about.
In blue moon arts, we are always thinking about the things we like to think about and we dont know how to stop.
Its a lot like the game of Connect 4. The problem is that we cannot stop thinking about the game. The game is so ingrained in our subconscious mind that we can almost always see it, even if we are not consciously thinking about it.
Connect 4 is a game that we can play on our own. And that is what our brain does with blue moon arts. We can have a game of Connect 4 with our friends and not have to think about the game, but for some reason we cant escape the game. So we have to think about it.
Our brains are so wired into the game that we can’t just quit and we have to think about it. I know because I can’t, but a lot of people that have it don’t know they can.