If you want to be creative, go to artstores. There are new artists coming out everyday that you can learn from, and they will help you make great art.
In my experience, I really like art-stores because I can go to a store that sells art supplies like brushes, paint, etc. and spend a few bucks and get a few great art supplies so that I can experiment with my own creative process.
For the most part, art stores won’t help you get a job. They are not the only place where you can buy art supplies, but they are a great place to start. If you see a painting that you love and think it’s good, go to art stores and buy it. You can always go to a gallery if you’re not sure what you want.
In addition, if you are in school, you can go to art school. I used to be one of those kids who would spend $50 on a painting and then go home and try to do some art exercises. Then I was like, “Ya know, I don’t really have the time to hang out with my friends, so we’re just going to do this.
I used to like to think that art school was the best thing ever. But now I have no idea what I would wear or how I would cook. Maybe I should just stick to writing.
The answer to the question of what you would wear is the same as the answer to the question of what you would cook. Not all art school is like that. For most of them, you can buy and use art supplies. But arts depot is a real school that teaches you how to do things that you can’t do in a real school. They’re like college courses, but for art classes.
Its like, you pay them a ton of money to take art classes, you get classes that you would normally pay for in a real school, but you cant say you learned anything because no one would believe you. There are so many classes to choose from, and it’s not like youre getting a good grade on each one. Its like, you can ask a bunch of questions and they will try to help you, but it’s like, they don’t really know what theyre doing.
A lot of people, myself included, have found that arts depots, (for whatever reason, I dont know) are the absolute worst, because they dont provide adequate resources for the classes and you can only take one class per semester. And even then, its a lot of work to take a class. You have to start from scratch after class to understand a concept, figure out a topic, and research how to apply it.
You cant just go to arts depot and take a class and its hard to apply what you learn, you have to write a paper and pass it and then go back to the depot to take your class. So the art depot doesnt really do much for you except make you feel smart in your life so you can actually do something with what you have learned.
arts depot is a place where you can apply what you have learned. There is no curriculum you have to take to apply it. You can take a class on a specific topic and learn it, but if you take art depot, you are basically studying what it takes to apply that class.