Geocentric business is the term used to describe a business that is aligned with the earth’s rotation. The word geocentric is derived from the Greek word geos for earth (Γεώργιον), and keiroktos for the earth’s rotation (κερδίττων).
A geocentric business uses the earths rotation to align itself with the earths day, or the time when the earths axis is aligned with the sun.
I’ll always remember geocentric business from my college days because I was in a geocentric business (the only geocentric business I worked at). We had to get a sun up in the morning and have a day off by noon so that we could leave our geocentric business at the end of the day. It meant that at the end of the day we had to wait to get our money back.
We do have plans to make the geocentric business less of a business and more of a lifestyle. The goal is to be so productive that we don’t even need to leave the house. The goal is to be so efficient that we don’t have to buy new clothes or anything like that. The goal is to be so successful that we don’t even need to buy lunch or coffee.
The goal is to not make any more money than we need to. This is a good goal, because it means we don’t have to pay rent or utilities.
So we’re going to get a really good deal. It will be a job that will pay the bills. It will allow us to be really productive without spending a whole lot of money. It will allow us to not get our money back.
If youre reading this then you probably already have a web business. And if youre not then you should. For those of you reading this then you probably have some sort of “geocentric business”. You might be a geocentric business person but you probably aren’t in the top 1%. And if you are then you probably don’t have a lot of money and you probably aren’t really very successful.
Now, if youre a geocentric business person then I’m not going to tell you that you need to get your money back because I think that there is a reason why you might not ever be a “successful” geocentric business person. But what I will tell you is that if youre not geocentric business then you need to make sure that you are using your money wisely.
Geocentric businesses are businesses that are built around a point of origin, which is the point at which all their supplies (tangible or intangible) come from. This is the origin point of a company or an organization. Geocentric businesses are not businesses that are built around a point of origin, so they are not considered “the origin of everything,” they are just the origin of what supplies they have.
A geocentric business is one that has a point of origin, which is the point at which all goods and services that they offer are created. For example, a business that provides oil for a large city is considered a geocentric business since their oil comes from the city, but a business that sells bottled water and soda to a city is not considered a geocentric business since water and soda from a city are not their own.