So, I guess I should start off by stating what I hate about the business community in general. You have people who are like “Well, I’ve been with the company for 7 years, I’ve met everyone, I know more about the business than all of the other people here, I’ve got a vested interest, blah, blah, blah. But I’m just not that motivated to work with you guys.
This is the first time I have seen your blog. I’ve been in a place where people were just looking at me while I was there, and it wasn’t until they looked at you and noticed it was me that they found it annoying. I just don’t hate you guys…
You seem to be the most creative person I have ever met, and it’s a lot easier to pull apart and rehash each and every piece of crap from multiple times than it is to pull apart and rehash every piece of shit that goes around it. That’s why I really enjoyed your blog. You’re so cool, and I look forward to seeing your future blog post.
I got my own blog to blog about something more like this, so I thought I could maybe give it a go. I guess I’ll have to wait for the new blog post to see if this goes well, and I don’t really need it anymore though.
This is not a complaint. We all have our own blogs. The thing is we use them to talk about things, and in this case I’d like to write about the things you and I talk about. We both talk about the weather, the food, the movies, the music, and the friends we have. As I have said before, it’s just something about our own blogs that makes any conversation about the things we’re talking about feel exciting.
The reason I have the most fun I’m into is because I really like making things happen. It can be a lot of fun. If you were a computer programmer, like I am, who would you like to be a programmer, you have your own projects that you can make happen, and you have a website that lets you do that. You don’t need an internet connection to make things happen.
My favorite thing to do in the world is to make some new stuff happen, including writing a blog. But I also like making some things worse (like writing some emails).
The Internet is a place where things happen. You can make new things happen and new things happen. But people are more likely to write something good if they can get someone to read it. Our email provider, CoxVoice, offers a great way to make new things happen. You send an email with the subject line “CoxVoice: New Email” and the body of the email is a link to a page on your site that lets you put your website in the email.
That’s where the power comes from. And that’s also where I should probably stop here and make it clear that I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. CoxVoice makes its business in “new email” and “link building” and “social media” and “automation.” But the stuff I’m talking about is in the realm of “old email”.
The idea of people selling their email lists is a bit of a joke. But you wouldn’t be able to sell those lists to the world if they didn’t exist. You could do it to your own list, but you wouldn’t sell it to anyone. So don’t bother.