I’m still learning a lot about myself and where I fit in in the world. I’m still learning and growing each day, and I’m learning that I’m not the ‘one’ I thought I was. In other words, I’m a little bit of a hybrid and I’m learning that I’m not quite sure what I am yet.
For as long as I’ve known me – and I’m still figuring this out – I’ve been the kind of guy who wanted to be able to take classes or join a club or something so I could “be in the know.” I wanted to know everything about where I fit in, and where I didn’t fit in, and how to make myself more aware of who I was.
But now Ive come to realize that I would have been much better off if I never had thought of myself as the kind of guy I was. I was never that interested in art classes, or things like that. In fact, in high school I hated art classes. I hated that it was something that was just for nerds. I hated the fact that everyone was an artist. I hated that most people thought of art as some sort of art.
I have not taken a single art class in my life. I guess I’m not quite as smart as I thought.
Yeah, you are right. If you are reading this you are smart and have taken art classes, but you might still be a nerd. I know I am. I hate art classes. I hate the way every art class is taught. Its a way for the artist to learn something about art and to feel superior about it. The whole way art is taught is so shallow. Its a way for the person who is taking the class to feel superior.
Art classes teach you nothing about how artistic art is made and created. They also take you way too seriously. They force you to think about art in a way that is not a constructive activity (i.e. like a math class where you can solve a problem and feel superior about it). Art classes teach you to be a complete idiot.
Art classes help you to feel superior about art because you are surrounded by people who think that art has no purpose and are convinced that art is a waste of time. In reality, art is a very valuable tool of society. Art has an emotional, intellectual, and emotional impact. Art does not have a purpose, and it is not a waste of time.
art classes will do little to help you feel superior about art. They are not going to help you understand why you should have a certain kind of art in your life. Art classes will help you feel superior about the art you do have.
As a general rule of thumb, you should have at least one art class per year. Art classes tend to be more art than other classes. But you shouldn’t take classes just for the sake of taking art classes. There’s something good about spending time doing art.
A lot of art classes, including art history classes, are taught by the instructors. I actually found out that when I took a 3D art class through art history students, one of the most popular classes was the time-looping art class. There are tons of art classes out there, and you can learn about art, but if you want to really be informed, you should take a course on art history yourself. You will be surprised at how much you learn.