The purpose of this show was to show the quilters of the time the most modern methods of quilting that were available, as well as the techniques and ideas that had been lost to time. This is a great show to watch in your spare time.
I don’t think you can quilt in the time period in question, which is around 1900. The quilts in question were not quilted by the quilters of 1900, but by the quilters of the 1900s, so it’s a little bit of an odd choice on my part. And yes, the shows did take a lot of time to explain, but the quilters of the 1900s were usually pretty good at explaining things.
It’s a shame we can’t get our hands on these shows, because they are so creative, but I really want to.
Yes, I agree with you, the quilting arts tv show is amazing. I’m sorry I can’t get my hands on it. I’m sure its great, but I’ll have to pass.
Well, it is kind of a shame. The 1900s are a long time ago and the quilting arts tv series is very recent. You would think with how advanced technology was, that the 1900s would have been around longer. But we all know that wasn’t the case, so I guess I should just be glad the shows were around to show us those times.
Yeah, I think the 1900s are just a little bit too far-fetched to really be a real turn-of-the-century. Quilting was a great fad in the 1800s, but it became a bit mainstream around the 1900s. I think the 1700s and 1800s are pretty much the same as each other. The only difference is that the 1800s were more about the church and fashion and less about the working man.
I’m just glad the shows were around to be a little bit more realistic. It’s kinda boring to see sewing being a big part of American culture, but I can’t help but think there are a lot of really interesting things to learn about quilting if we take a closer look. I’m also a huge fan of the way the show uses modern technology to tell compelling stories. I mean, I get that the 1920s were really boring.
There’s a lot of things that can be said about the show based on its plot. While the show has a lot of interesting ideas, the series’ most striking aspect is how it uses modern technology to tell compelling stories. There’s no indication that a quilt was actually made in the 1800s, but that doesn’t matter because the technology of sewing has advanced greatly over the past century.
I’m not sure if the show is just using modern technology to tell amazing stories or if it’s using it to tell a compelling story. In either case, it’s a smart way to tell a compelling story. The show is actually based on a true story, so the idea of using modern technology to tell a compelling story is pretty cool.
The show is based on the 1900s quilt making technique, so it’s pretty cool that they were able to use modern technology to tell a compelling story. Theres also the fact that the method of sewing actually requires that you live on a farm. I guess that makes it even more compelling, but it kind of sounds like the show is just trying to make a point about how technology has advanced so much in such a short time.