These are the arts I would like to keep alive. The arts that have given me the most nourishment and insight and helped me understand who and what I am, and what I want to be, now, or am not.
The arts that have changed how I approach and interact with life, and the ones that I don’t want to get rid of.
I think I have a pretty good idea what I like to do next and what I don’t want to get rid of. I have a pretty good idea which is what I want to keep alive, and which is what I dont want to be. So I’ve decided to go with that as my plan.
The arts that have inspired me. The arts that have made my perspective and understanding of life, and my approach to life, and my approach to relationships, and my approach to other people, and the arts that have made me who I am, and how I interact with others.
One of the most interesting things about the arts is that they often inspire new ideas that are different from the original ideas that inspired them. The arts are often able to make us see things we didn’t before, or put things in a new perspective, or help us see relationships in a completely new light. The arts can, however, also push us to question our own beliefs. We can ask ourselves the “what if” questions.
But we’re human. We’re not immune to the arts. When I first started learning about the arts I was a bit skeptical. I was trying to find a way to make what I saw and heard, in my mind, and in my own life, less threatening. But I’ve found that the arts can be a useful tool to learn more about ourselves and our friends.
As the art has grown more apparent, the tools of the arts have become more obvious. That’s a good thing. But what I like best about some of the arts is that they give us a chance to look at the world through a new lens, a new perspective. I think that’s why I’ve found that the arts have been a useful tool for me to learn more about myself and my friends. In a sense, they’ve made me a better person.
I was going to say that I liked the idea of the arts being a tool to “look the world through a new lens”, but I think thats a little too obvious. It could just as easily be argued that arts aren’t a tool at all but that their essence is a tool. For me, the arts aren’t just something to look at, they’re part of my everyday life. They’ve helped me gain insight into relationships, people, and myself.