You can see a lot of the influence of the arts in the book ‘The Three Levels of Self-Awareness’. The whole point is that we all are self-aware of our individual self-awareness, and the most important thing to remember is that we are all one. There are three levels of self-awareness: conscious awareness of our own awareness, our awareness of what others are aware of, and our awareness of who we really are.
Most of us are aware of the fact that we’re one person, but we can’t seem to shake the notion that we’re not. We know we’ve all been talking to a computer at one time or another, but we don’t know we’re talking and thinking to ourselves. Because we’re the only ones who can experience our feelings, we’re the only ones who can experience our thoughts.
The most obvious example of this is when we are talking to others. We all know that when someone else says something, we tend to nod our heads in agreement. We have all been trained to do this. We have all had the experience of someone looking at us and saying “Hmm… that’s interesting.” I have, I have, I have, I have. The problem with this is that we all know that we are not the smartest of people.
We all know it, but we also know that we are more than capable of doing it. In fact, we all know that we are all capable of saying something really dumb. The problem is that we tend to do this a lot, and we can’t help it. We are all trained to do this so we know how to get others to nod their heads in agreement.
In fact, it might be the “more than capable” part that is the problem. We all know we are capable of doing it, but it seems that we all know that we are all capable of doing it a little too well too often.
Thats right, the more we know about our lives, the more we think we know about our lives, the more we overgeneralize and overanalyze. Our brains are not programmed to know the difference between what someone else is capable of doing and what we are capable of doing. If we did this, we would all be able to be as good at our jobs as the people who actually do them, even though we are less talented than those employees.
Our brains are not programmed to know the difference between what someone else is capable of doing and what we are capable of doing.
When we think we know what’s going to happen, we actually do it. It’s kind of like the difference between being a genius and being a psychopath. We have a lot of fun at parties when we pull this sort of reasoning. Of course, we can’t really say we’re either one or the other, though we may have the ability to be.
The problem with having a brain so incredibly capable is that it becomes really hard to get the balance right. Its like learning how to ride a bike. The more you ride, the more confident you get, but you can go over the handlebars and break your arm. It’s not like you can just go around and stop riding.