The business capital of the world.
What’s the difference between a capital and a business? Well, the answer is actually quite simple. A capital is a share in a company. A business is a business. A company is a business. We all know that businesses are businesses. Well, it turns out we should know that they are not businesses. In fact, companies are just a legal fiction. A company has shareholders and that shareholders are people who own shares.
If a company has shareholders, then all those shares are owned by the shareholders. There’s nothing particularly special about that. It’s just a legal fiction. So when you look at this list of companies that are in the business capital category, you see a lot of companies that are basically just a little bit longer version of Facebook. It’s not really a business because they aren’t actually owned by anyone. They are owned by their shareholders.
The difference is that Facebook and Yahoo! have employees and employees have shareholders. These companies are a lot more than just holding for a few years. They are running businesses.
When you think about it, the companies that get this classification have a lot of business to go around. It’s why Microsoft and Cisco are listed here. It’s why Google and Facebook are listed here. Its because they are businesses. They employ people. They have shareholders. Its why Dell is listed here. It’s why Amazon is listed here. Its because they are businesses.
But what do shareholders really mean? Do they mean stock shares, bonuses, or cash? If you are a shareholder, then you have a stake in your company. That stake is the amount of money you owe to the company. If you don’t have enough money to pay every shareholder every penny he’s due, then you are not a shareholder. If you don’t have enough money for your company to pay its bills, then you’re not a shareholder.
The shareholder has a very important role in the board of directors. The board of directors is responsible for the day to day operations (i.e. the day to day business decisions) in the company. If a company has enough shareholders (or for that matter enough money in its bank account), then the CEO can hire whoever he wants to run the company.
If your company does not have enough money for its payroll, then you will not be a shareholder. In the United States if you do not have enough money in your bank account to pay your bills, then you will not be a shareholder. In some European countries, the amount of money you have in your bank account does not have to equal the amount of money you have in your company’s bank account to qualify as a shareholder.
In the United States you may own more than one shareholder. In fact, if you do not have enough money in your bank account to pay your bills, you can own more than one person (shareholders) as long as the number of shareholders is the same. In other countries, the amount of money you have in your bank account does not have to equal the amount of money you have in your companys bank account to qualify as a shareholder.
This was one of the first things to come up when I did a research project on the subject of shareholders, but I must have read about it somewhere. It seems like it should be pretty straight forward. You have to have enough money in your bank account to pay your bills. That means that you can own more than one person shareholders in the United States.