With a 13-year old son of my own, I’ve taken to researching new and popular baby names. Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of “fantasy” boy names. Examples include:Jon Snow Emmett CullenFinnigan Sheshie
This trend in baby names is one I’m sure many parents will follow. Why? 13 reasons!
Reason #13: They’re cool, unique and different from the crowd.Reason #12: Your son can be named after his favorite literary or fictional character. [insert name of a favorite boy character] for example!Reason 11: Some fantasy boy names are puns (examples include Albus Dumbledore). A great way to show off your sharp wit with new family members who just might not get it at first glance 😉 Reason 13: It’s fun! That’s right; naming your child something they could never change becomes an opportunity to lock them into having more self esteem than their peers because no one will ever dare question their name.Reason 12: Some fantasy boy names come with an explanation of the origin for those who have Celtic or Nordic ancestry (examples include Aragorn and Björn). Reason 13: 13 Reasons Fantasy Boy Names Will Be Huge in 2022!
The Importance of Personalizing Your Child’s Name to Their Personality, Gender Identity, Ethnicity, etc.Choosing a baby name is hard work—there are just so many options out there! Do you want something traditional? Something more modern? Perhaps you’re not sure what style best suits your family culture. Here are 13 reasons why picking a cool new fantasy boy name might be right for your child. It could also help him avoidoidexcess teasingReason 13: 13 Reasons Fantasy Boy Names Will Be Huge in 2022!Reason 12: Some fantasy boy names come with an explanation of the origin for those who have Celtic or Nordic ancestry (examples include Aragorn and Björn). Reason 11: A Royal Name, if Your Prince’s Legacy is Important to You; If you want your child to be associated with a legacy of royalty, then picking a name like Arthur sounds absolutely regal. Going even further back into history means King George VI has done just that by naming his son and heir-to-the-throne as Albert. Next sentence… Next Sentence.. NEXT SENTENCE!! NO – STOP IT RIGHT NOW OR